Fokker Dr.1 Triplane was introduced in late August. Rittmeister Manfred von Richtofen
first flew his F.I 102/17 on September 1, 1917 and gained his first victory the
next day and another the day after. von Richtofen requested the development of
the Fokker Triplane when he noticed the Sopwith Triplane's superior rate of climb
and performance in combat. Idflieg responded by asking for prototypes from many
manufacturers. While Pfalz and Albatros submitted adequate designs, they continued
to use their characteristically thin airfoils. The Fokker design used thicker
wings with internal bracing. The combination eliminated the need for rigging wires
and gave the Fokker a faster rate of climb. It was this feature that von Richtofen
wanted and Fokker won the contract.