Fokker E series monoplanes were the first truly effective fighter aircraft. The
reason, is that for the first time, a machine gun was placed to fire directly
through the propeller. The whole aircraft could be aimed at the target. Finally,
accurate targeting was possible. The result was spectacular for the Germans and
a disaster for the Allies. Allied observation aircraft became the primary target.
The period was referred to as the Fokker Scourge. Before that time, observation
aircraft could do their work unfettered with the concern of being shot down. Observation
aircraft were designed for optimum stability as a camera platform. Agility and
speed were contrary to their purpose. The idea that these aircraft were obsolete
or not technically advanced is not the case. Taking aerial photographs with existing
camera technology was difficult and required a slow aircraft with low engine vibration
characteristics. Further, it required a two man crew. The pilot needed to reach
the correct location and verify the target. The camera man needed to concentrate
on taking the photographs. Remember in those days, there were no accurate aerial
maps and from above, orientation is not easy. Landmarks do not look the same from
5000 feet. Pilots did get lost. A major reason for the Fokker Scourge could be
that the "Fokker Fodder" were not designed to consider defensive measures.
With hundreds perhaps thousands of Allied vulnerable observation aircraft in the
air, it was carnage. The Allies had too much invested and needed the information
so badly that these unfortunate crews had to endure the Fokker menace. Later,
observation aircraft were fitted with machine guns and could fly higher and faster
to counter the Fokker.
Fokker had designed aileron controls for aircraft but chose the more conventional
wing warping technique for the Eindecker. Wing warping required flexibility in
the construction but rigidity at the same time. Heavy reliance on wire rigging
made this possible. In the AerodromeRC Fokker EIII, wing warping was not used
as the method does not make a particularly pleasant flying experience. Construction
is difficult and the structure is fragile. Instead, as in the case of other AerodromeRC
monoplane designs, hidden top edge hinged trailing edge ailerons are employed.
A pair of in wing servos drives these ailerons from below. From the top, the presence
of the ailerons is nearly impossible to detect. They are constructed from 1"
trailing edge stock which is beveled at the aileron leading edge to allow the
aileron to deflect downward.