service, the Snipe performance was exemplary. One of the most amazing dogfights
of the war occurred in a Snipe on 27 October 1918. Major W.G. Barker, a Canadian,
was on patrol in a Snipe numbered E8102 with a group of Camels of 201 Sqdn. Flying
over the Foret de Mormal, Barker shot down an enemy two seater. Barker was then
wounded in the leg by ground fire. As he spun down trying to regain control of
the aircraft, he found himself in the middle of a formation of fifteen Fokkers
(presumably DVII's). He attacked them and getting to with in thirty feet of one,
shot it down. However, he was wounded again and fainted. Regaining consciousness,
he was attacked by the rest of the formation. He then shot another Fokker down
only to be wounded again, shattering his elbow. Fainting again and once more regaining
control of his spinning aircraft, he noticed smoke coming from his aircraft. Believing
that a fire had started, he tried to ram a Fokker but instead shot it down at
close range. As he tried to escape, eight Fokkers blocked his dive. In spite of
not having the use of his legs and one arm, he evaded the fighters and brought
his aircraft down to ground level and then flew it until he crashed near a balloon
winch. He was rescued and was given the last Victoria Cross of the war for a gallant
deed in the air.